TVNS in Long COVID-19
A prior open label study has shown that transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation [tVNS] can
improve the health of some patients with postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection
(PASC), severely affected enough to also fulfill criteria for myalgic encephalomyelitis /
Age: 21 - 70 years
Gender: All
Multi-sensory Intervention Room Application (MIRA) Device in the NSICU
The purpose of this research study is to determine the safety, feasibility, and efficacy of a device, MIRA, on the physical, mental, and cognitive health of Neurosciences Intensive Care Unit (NSICU) patients. The study device is a Multi-Sensory Stimulation Device named ...
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: All
RECOVER-SLEEP: Platform Protocol
The platform protocol is designed to be flexible so that it is suitable for a range of
study settings and intervention types. Therefore, the platform protocol provides a
general protocol structure that can be shared by multiple interventions and allows
comparative an...
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: All
A Phase 2b Study of Zagociguat in Patients with MELAS
PRIZM is a Phase 2b randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 3-treatment, 2-period,
crossover study evaluating the efficacy and safety of oral zagociguat 15 and 30 mg vs.
placebo when administered daily for 12 weeks in participants with genetically and
Age: 18 - 75 years
Gender: All
Impact of Intraoperative Cell Salvage
Patients presenting for elective cesarean section will be screened for pre-procedural anemia. If the potential subject meets the selection criteria they will be presented with the option of participating in the study. Once consented the participant is randomized by enve...
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: Female
A Study of GLB-001 in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia or Relapsed or Refractory Higher Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Study GLB-001-01 is a first-in-human (FIH), Phase 1, open-label, dose escalation and
expansion clinical study of GLB-001 in participants with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid
leukemia (R/R AML) or in participants with relapsed or refractory higher-risk myelodysp...
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: All
Psychopharmacological Treatment of Emotional Distress
This is an inpatient four-arm randomized control trial comparing single drug clonazepam (S
arm), a two-drug combination clonazepam/olanzapine (D arm), and a three-drug combination
clonazepam/olanzapine/buprenorphine (T arm) with treatment as usual (TAU arm) in the
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: All
MCG Discovery Study in Emergency Departments
This prospective discovery study is designed to demonstrate the feasibility of using an
unshielded, mobile MCG device in an Emergency Department (ED) setting. The main question
it aims to answer is whether interpretable data can be reliably collected as part of an
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: All
A Study to Assess Luspatercept in Lower-risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome Participants
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Luspatercept when
administered at the maximum approved dose in low-risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome
participants who require red blood cell transfusions.
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: All
Persuasive Health Communication Intervention for HIV/HCV
A major impediment to emergency department (ED)-based HIV/HCV screening success is that
often ED patients at risk for, or later diagnosed with, HIV and HCV decline testing. In
this R01 project, the research team will assess how well a promising, easy-to-use,
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: All
A Phase 2 Study of ONO-2808 in Patients With Multiple System Atrophy
This is a Phase 2, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study to assess the
safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and efficacy of multiple doses
of ONO-2808 in patients with MSA. This is the first study of ONO-2808 in patients with
Age: 30 - 80 years
Gender: All
Ritlecitinib in CTCL
The purpose of this research study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of
Ritlecitinib in skin and blood in persons with Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL). CTCL is a
rare type of cancer that starts in the white blood cells and eventually can result in rashes
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: All
A Study of GEn-1124 in Subjects with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
GEn1E-1124-002 is a two-part Phase 2 study to evaluate the safety and tolerability of
GEn-1124 in subjects with ARDS. Treatment with IV infusion dosing as early as possible
after ARDS diagnosis. Subjects will be given a second dose approximately 8 hours after
the fir...
Age: 18 - 80 years
Gender: All
Diuretics Alone Vs. Aortix Endovascular Device for Acute Heart Failure
Aortix is a circulatory support device for chronic heart failure patients on medical
management who have been hospitalized for acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) and
have persistent congestion despite usual medical therapy.
Eligible ADHF patients with diureti...
Age: 21 years - 66+
Gender: All
Study of 2 Medicines (Aztreonam and Avibactam) Compared to Best Available Therapy for Serious Gram-negative Infections
The purpose of this study is to evaluate how Aztreonam (ATM) and Avibactam (AVI) are
processed in pediatric participants. This study also aims to understand participant
safety and effects in pediatric participants.
The study is seeking participants who are:
- 9...
Age: 9 months - 17 years
Gender: All
DevRobust Treatment for Mal de Débarquement Syndrome
Mal de Débarquement Syndrome (MdDS) is an under-recognized balance disorder, which is
manifested by persistent false sensations of oscillatory self-motion (rocking/swaying) and/or
pulling in a specific direction (gravitational pull). Patients with MdDS typically exp...
Age: 18 - 78 years
Gender: All
Study of DISC-0974 in Participants with Myelofibrosis or Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Anemia
This phase 1b/2a open-label study will assess the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of DISC-0974 as well as categorize the effects on anemia response in subjects with myelofibrosis or myelodysplastic syndrome and anemia.
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: All
Study of R289 in Patients With Lower-risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR MDS)
Phase 1b Study of R289 in Patients with Lower-risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR MDS)
Age: 18 years - 66+
Gender: All
Testing a Novel Data-to-Suppression (D2S) Intervention Strategy in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) for low-income people with HIV (PWH) is a key
resource for reducing HIV health disparities and scaling up evidence-based interventions. As
RWHAP serves >50% of US PWH, RWHAP outcomes are vital to achieving "getting-to-zero"/ E...
Age: Birth - 66+
Gender: All
An Oral GnRH Antagonist to Treat Mild Autonomous Cortisol Excess (MACE) Due to Adrenal Adenomas in Postmenopausal Women
The purpose of this research study is to determine if treatment with Elagolix will improve
body weight, waist circumference, muscle strength, cortisol secretion, blood glucose,
cholesterol, and bone quality as well as mood and quality of life in a female patient wit...
Age: Birth - 66+
Gender: Female